A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Saxon Primary School

Behaviour Management

Good behaviour is central to a good education.

Our behaviour management policy enables this and is characterised by particular emphasis on:

  • unconditional positive regard – all individuals are valued equally by the whole school community;
  • the development of self-control;
  • the need to manage feelings in a way that enables positive choices to be made;
  • the consequences of actions – both positive and negative.

It is based on the principles of restorative justice and has restorative approaches at the heart of its philosophy.

You can view our Behaviour Management and Anti-bullying policies on our Lumen Learning Trust policy webpage by clicking here.

We expect the children to behave in a reasonable manner - to be courteous and considerate towards others. Children are constantly reminded to consider the consequences of their actions on themselves and others. We expect parents to work with us in enabling the children to manage their behaviour in a way that is constructive and conducive to a positive learning environment.

At the beginning of each school year the Headteacher negotiates a Code of Behaviour with the children during whole school assemblies. Copies are sent home to parents to discuss with their children and are also displayed around the school. Our Code of Behaviour is the basis of our Behaviour Policy. Each week the Headteacher leads the Golden Learning Assembly where children's work, effort and care for others are celebrated with the whole school.

Our Code of Behaviour

  • We will use our self-control to manage our feelings so we can make the right choice
  • We will think about the consequences of our choices
  • We will ask an adult to help if we can’t sort out a problem
  • We will help each other to keep to the Golden Learning Rules
  • We will be polite to children and adults and friendly & welcoming to everyone
  • We will be a good listener and contribute to class discussions
  • We will be kind and thoughtful to others around us
  • We will respect everyone and treat them as we would like to be treated
  • We will take pride in our school and look after everything around it
  • We will work with the adults in our school, as well as each other, to make sure our school is a safe, happy place where the best learning happens for everyone

If there is a serious behavioural incident, parents will be called to discuss the matter and the incident will be logged for future reference if necessary.

Saxon Primary School